- behind schedule
- с опозданием
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиации. 2013.
behind schedule — ► moving slower or happening later than the planned time: »The cancellation came after the project was millions of dollars over budget and months behind schedule. Main Entry: ↑behind … Financial and business terms
behind schedule — LATE, running late, overdue, behind time, behind, behindhand. → schedule * * * behind schedule 1. Not keeping up to an arranged programme 2. Late • • • Main Entry: ↑schedule … Useful english dictionary
behind schedule — the museum renovations are behind schedule Syn: late, running late, overdue, behind time, behind, behindhand … Thesaurus of popular words
behind schedule — happening or done later than the time that was planned. The project is behind schedule because several people are off sick. Opposite of: ahead of schedule … New idioms dictionary
behind schedule — /bɪˌhaɪnd ʃedʒu:l/ noun late ● The agency is way behind schedule with the promotional material … Marketing dictionary in english
fall behind schedule — ► to do less work than you planned to do by a particular point in time: »The project started six months late and continued to fall behind schedule. Main Entry: ↑schedule … Financial and business terms
behind — [bē hīnd′, bihīnd′] adv. [ME bihinden < OE behindan: see BE & HIND1] 1. in or to the rear or back [to walk behind, to look behind] 2. at an earlier time; in the past [my joy lies behind] 3. in a former place, condition, etc … English World dictionary
behind — [adv1/prep1] position farther back; following abaft, after, afterwards, at the heels of*, at the rear of, back of, bringing up the rear*, eating the dust*, in the background, in the wake, later than, next, off the pace, subsequently, trailing;… … New thesaurus
behind — Used for listed equity securities. At the same price but entered after your order/ interest, such as on the specialist s book. Antithesis of ahead of you. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. behind be‧hind 1 [bɪˈhaɪnd] adverb be/get/fall… … Financial and business terms
behind — I [[t]bɪha͟ɪnd[/t]] PREPOSITION AND ADVERB USES ♦ (In addition to the uses shown below, behind is also used in a few phrasal verbs, such as fall behind and lie behind .) 1) PREP If something is behind a thing or person, it is on the other side of … English dictionary
schedule — ▪ I. schedule sched‧ule 1 [ˈʆedjuːl ǁ ˈskedʒʊl, dʒl] noun [countable] 1. a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it: • I ve got a very full schedule (= I will be very busy because a lot of meetings and other… … Financial and business terms